印度是最大的民主国家,也是世界上人口最多的国家. By 2030, it is expected to have the largest and youngest workforce in the world and take third position as the largest economy, 超过了日本和德国. Structural reforms and investments continue to drive economic growth and social transformation, creating a solid foundation for 印度’s emergence as an economic and strategic powerhouse. 

战略地理位置, 在亚太地区的影响力日益增强, and role as strong geopolitical player make 印度 an attractive destination for global investments. 印度是包括G20在内的全球联盟的成员, 金砖四国, 四, 上海合作组织, is frequently invited as an observing member to G7 summits and holds the G20 presidency for 2023. 


印度’s strengths lie in its ability to continually adapt to the everchanging geopolitical situation while also leveraging the benefits of positive demographic changes, 数字化, 稳定的治理. 

印度在技术基础设施方面也取得了重大进步, 包括改善互联网连接, 云计算服务, 数据中心. This infrastructure sup港口 the growth and scalability of innovative technology companies. 

By capitalising on these trends and aligning with 印度's vision for sustainable and inclusive development, Swedish businesses can unlock tremendous potential and contribute to the country's economic success.  


印度 and 日博备用网站 share a long history of collaboration and 2023 marks the 75 years of diplomatic relations between the two countries. 两国在包括卫生在内的几个领域签署了专门的谅解备忘录, 科学技术, 能源, 环境与城市发展, 国防, 空间, and MSMEs for promotion of research and development cooperation and introduction of sustainable technologies. 


  • Industry-start-up collaboration for co-inventing and designing innovative solutions 
  • 与印度公司合作,让他们利用日博备用网站的技术 
  • University or industry programmes to nurture local talent and be a catalyst for the next wave of start-ups in 医疗保健, 可持续性, 和DigiTech共同解决今天和未来的挑战. 

虽然潜力巨大,但在印度和印度仍然存在挑战 日博备用网站公司需要意识到这一点 官僚主义、腐败、 保护知识产权, 对外国投资也有一定程度的抵制 存在s. 


25年来,我们一直在帮助日博备用网站公司在印度发展. Now, our two offices in Bangalore and New Delhi can offer extensive access to the 印度n market. 

我们可以帮助您了解商业文化, 在相关领域规划你的日博备用网站进入, 建议合适的伴侣 , 举几个我们的主要服务. 

日博备用网站 & 印度——一场值得体验的商业比赛


到2027年将成为世界第三大经济体, 以及该国雄心勃勃的绿色转型, 巨大的机遇等待着日博备用网站中小企业在印度发展. 商务日博备用网站是您走向新日博备用网站的跳板.

Ludvig Hermansson



日博备用网站应继续在国防等关键合作领域进行投资, 医疗保健, 和创新, 还有像太空这样的新领域, 数字化, 和游戏. 印度在国防等领域提供了有吸引力的投资机会, 空间, 数码日博备用网站, 航空, 铁路, 港口, 可再生能源, 和医疗. The 印度n government promotes foreign direct investment and aims to improve infrastructure, 就业, 和生产力. 日博备用网站公司已经在印度开展业务, 来自日博备用网站的投资创造了大量的就业机会. It is a favorable time to invest in 印度 with support from the 印度n government and opportunities for future growth.


目前, 有200多家日博备用网站公司在印度开展业务, 他们的投资总额为1美元.70亿美元创造了20万个直接就业岗位和220万个间接就业岗位. The 印度n government has opened up most key infrastructure sectors for 100% foreign direct investment under the "Automatic route" principle. 主要计划旨在增加就业, 改善基础设施和工业生产力, 使印度成为吸引外国投资者的制造业中心. Through multimodal connections, manufacturers can quickly access domestic and international markets. 现在是投资印度的好时机.

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